Provocative art at its best!

Innocent, in a way. from alexis wanneroy on Vimeo.

Firstly, take a minute (or 8) to watch the short film above. A beautifully crafted, inspiring piece of work, which delves into topics which are not normally tampered with, nor are they normally made into a film in which everyone and anyone can secretly - or sometimes publicly - judge without confrontation. 

The presented artist is a painter from Spain, named Alberto Mielgo. In the film, he talks about how his work has always being controversial and provocative, yet would never stop because of the pleasure it gives to both  him, the models and their clients. I admire how the creator of this film (Alexis Wanneroy) has presented his work, as it has a sultry, yet innocent feel  about it, whilst simultaneously allowing Mielgo to justify himself and his career choice in quite an abrupt, face-on manner.

 The above photo, called 'Girl Skin web', is a beautiful representation of showing how the woman painted feels the most comfortable, yet in quite a raw and open way. She is completely exposed, showing the audience her most private areas, yet her face portrays a  calm and composed innocent like state - completely contradicting with the openness and quite striking composition of this painting. 

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