editing, editing, and more editing.

Here I am, trying to develop my cinematography and camera skills for the 3rd year, and I decide to film my mum making Tapas. It's an easy, simple idea that can literally be stitched together in post production, except for of course.... my lack of editing software!

I'm stuck with iMovie. Not even the HD version, which I used in sixth form. You'd think it would be easy, especially because I work on Final Cut Pro to edit my films at university, but for some strange reason, I'm finding it ridiculously confusing and tedious to do. 
I love editing, and I love the process of it, but oh how I wish I had a laptop new enough to install final cut pro! My macbook is so old I'm having to delete precious photos and all of my work from previous projects to make room for the new ones. *sniffles*

So whilst I try learn how to use this bloody software, here are a few screenshots of what I'm doing. Some shots need a little colour correction (if I ever find out how to do it on iMovie), but other than that, I'm really happy with the outcome. The quality of my cinematography has improved greatly, and my thought process whilst filming is more productive! Instead of thinking 'I'll just film it like this and hope for the best', I found myself thinking 'okay, the lighting is a bit dark, so I'll do this, oh now it's a bit grainy, so I'll lower that' and so on. 
Watching shorts on how to use my DSLR and researching things has helped me so much in my journey to becoming a DOP - and I'm hoping I'll get to develop those skills even more in my 3rd year at university! 

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